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The Greats

Today we bring you a new story about our great kings

He is King Thutmose I

 Born of Thoth, the goddess of knowledge and wisdom

Some said that Thutmose was a half-brother of King Amenhotep, and others said that he was his son from a secondary wife, but the most likely opinion is that he assumed power through his marriage to the daughter of King Amenhotep

  His ruling is documented by legal marriage, according to the custom of the Egyptians.

Come let me introduce you to the achievements of our great leader

 The third king of the modern state

With Thutmose's assumption of power, the country was in a state of stability, and he completed the campaigns of Amenhotep and Ahmose in the south. During his rule, Egypt was able to impose its control over the fourth cataract.

 He built many buildings and temples and made repairs to the Temple of Osiris in Abydos

 He built a large temple in front of it two granite obelisks at Karnak

 He built a large hall with columns on its facade, statues of the god Osiris

Owner of the first royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Thebes under the supervision of the engineer (Anini), and it will be the headquarters of the tombs of the kings of the modern state

The first to build the edifice of the empire


 he gave birth to the beautiful Queen Hatshepsut (Hatshepsut P1, Hatshepsut P2)

And King Thutmose II from a secondary wife, which is (Mutt Nefert), and he is the future throne

And this is how he settled in power for 13 years

The country was in a state of calm and stability
