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We continue our story, I completed before about the status of the rule of Hatshepsut, and how she took power today, we will continue and present the rest of her works

Come with me and focus

Hatshepsut did not pay any attention to the military aspect because the leaders were not loyal to the queen, but she was interested in trade missions,

In the ninth year of her reign, she undertook the most important and greatest trade mission to Puntland

From which I returned the bounties of Puntland from incense trees, ivory, ebony, gold, silver, leopard skins, and many other things that were not preceded by their presence in Egypt, for example.

 Giraffes, cheetahs, monkeys


The Puntland trip is the only source for us in getting to know the country of Punt through the views of Deir el-Bahari, which shows the welcome and happiness of the heads of the country of Punt with the Queen and the people of Egypt and the extent of the strength of relations between the two countries during her reign

And of course, before this, we talked about her interest in temples and tombs

At the end of her rule, the situation in the south began to deteriorate, and there was a revolution and a split in opinions about Hatshepsut's supporters and opponents

There is no clear evidence that says that Hatshepsut had a relationship with her minister, we will die. He was one of the supporters of the ruling for her and helped her in consolidating her rule, and in return, she made a cemetery for him and his mother

Hatshepsut said that the period of her rule was strong or stable. Hatshepsut, when she assumed power, faced difficulties, and she tried to overcome them and tried to control the situation in the country, and to the extent it was a little stable.

The end 

And the end of the queen is unknown, but what we know is that she died before

Thutmose III's return to power

But he decides to take revenge on her in her memory, destroys the statues of the queen, erases her name from the monuments, does not recognize the period of her rule, and adds the years of the queen's rule to his reign, and this was the end of

 The beautiful Queen Hatshepsut

Then, as we mentioned, Thutmose appears and takes over the rule

