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Ancient even for the Ancient Egyptions

Egypt is an old country that is hard to appreciate at times.

 Egypt was already very old even for the ancient Egyptians,


The era of Ramses II, the most famous king of Egypt (1250 BC), the pyramids were built about 1300 years ago and a large part of them were buried under the sand.

 I mean, the time distance between the era of Ramses II and the pyramids builders, is the same distance between our current era and the era of the beginning of the Abbasid and the end of the Umayyad state.


Cleopatra, who ruled in the first century BC, is considered closer in time than the present time in 2021, compared to the time of the builders of the pyramids and the Sphinx (Great Pyramid 2560 BC).

For Cleopatra, the pyramids were something very old, and it was built 2500 years ago.

An event much older than the date of Christ's birth for us today.

The difference between the era of Cleopatra's rule and the era of pyramids builders chronologically, is almost the same time difference between our current era and the era of Socrates, Aristotle and Plato the ancient Greek philosophers who appeared in 500 BC.

 Cleopatra was dealing with the pyramids, as a very old thing as you deal with the era of Plato.


Egypt was already very old even for the ancient Egyptians.

