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Tut Ankh Amun in the protection of the god Amun

Come live with the beautiful statue full of symbols

The statue in front of us here is carved from black diorite stone and was found in the Karnak temple in Luxor, and it represents King Tut Ankh Amun and he is in the protection of the god Amun, who appears here in a larger size and we will describe each of them now

For the god Amun:

He appears in the form of sitting on a cubic chair and has a long back engraved with cartouches of King Tut Ankh Amun, from which the name Tut is scraped, leaving only the name of Ra and the name of the god Amun.

As for Tut Ankh Amun, he appears standing in the hands of the god Amun, but his head is missing, perhaps by intent and sabotage, or other external factors. Speckled decorated with the stars of the sky and the head of a leopard adorn the waist of the king

Why does a leopard have a speckled skin?

Here there are two reasons

This leopard skin was worn by the deity “Osiris” while watching the stars, and he inherited it after his son, the idol, “Hoor.” King Tut here is like the god Hoor who rules the land of Egypt.

The second reason is that the leopard’s skin is worn by the seer priest “Sim”, which is the highest position among the priests. By wearing a tutu for him, it is evidence that he reached the highest ranks of science and education, and that Amun rested on his seat because of that and appointed him ruler on a dead land and presented him to the people while in his hands he supports and supports

This beautiful statue,

 215.2 cm high, 

is preserved in the Louvre Museum, 

room 640, 

Suite Sully, 

first level, number E 11609.
